Thursday, February 13, 2014


Okay, I haven't read a book since before my daughter was born in September 2012. Pathetic, I know.  I always thought reading a book with her would be hard.  Not sure why since I still am able to get on the computer (not all the time, but every couple of days) and still have plenty of time to be on my phone.  However, since she is on a better schedule now I have LOTS of time to read.  She naps for two hours in the afternoon (3-5, usually) and then goes to bed around 11 and yeah, sometimes I fall asleep when she does but a good book makes me stay awake with anticipation of reading it once I get her to sleep!

I went to see Catching Fire with my friends a few months ago and saw the trailer for the movie DIVERGENT, coming in March.  I thought it looked really good and my friend said the book was awesome so of course I came home that night and told Mike that I wanted the book for Christmas.  He got it for me but it has taken this long for me to pick it up and start reading it.  Not really sure why it's taken so long.  I've been wanting to read it since I got it and kept saying how I was going to start it today and just never did.

Tuesday I picked it up during her nap and started reading it.  I was hooked instantly!  I read it throughout her nap (besides when I worked out and when my mom stopped by) and then when she went to bed that night I was so tired but I ended up staying awake until about 2am reading it.  I was falling asleep by then and when Mike got home from work I decided it was time for bed.  Then yesterday I continued reading it during her nap, after my workout.  I fell asleep with her when putting her to bed last night and so this morning I picked it up and read a few chapters while Mike was home.  During her crap nap, I read some more and finished the book.

I loved it.  I can't wait to read the next book.  I told Mike to remember that I wanted it when he is out buying me a gift ;)  Hopefully that was a good enough hint and I'll get it tomorrow for Valentines day!

I can't believe I have to wait until March 21st for the movie to come out.  And even then my local theater may not get it right away.  I guess that can be a birthday present for me if they do get it.  I'm excited for Mike to see it with me.  I'm sure he is going to like it but there is no way he would read the book.  I've been telling him how good it is and how much I love it.

So yeah, super good book.  I'm passing it on to my mom to read and then probably to my aunt who had made a comment that she wanted to read it when I was done with it.  If you haven't read it then you should!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Be Proud!

After a hard workout yesterday I so wasn't feeling like working out today.  I just wanted to nap with Aria or read some more.  But I got up and worked harder today than I even did yesterday-- the whole time telling myself if I did it now I wouldn't have to later or worse I wouldn't regret it tomorrow.  I told myself at the beginning of the week I would push myself harder this week and so far I'm doing it.  Monday I was down on myself because I haven't lost ten lbs yet and by now I should have but I've slacked the past two weeks in both eating & working out.  This week I'm determined and yesterday and today I'm feeling better because even if Im not down 10 yet I am at least seeing a weight I haven't seen in a long time.  I'm not even close to that weight that I was when I started in January.  I am down 8.4lbs and I know I'm healthier.  I'm not where I want to be but I'm closer and I'm still working to my goals! 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Aria's First Time in the Snow!!

Tuesday into Wednesday we got a pretty decent snow storm and when we woke up Wednesday I just wanted to go outside!  I had to go out anyways to shovel off the deck, we could barely open the door, and then shovel a path and a spot in the yard so that the dog could go out to do his business.

Mike told me not to worry about doing out front, that he would do it.  Thank heavens because that snow was good packing snow with ice on top of it and it was heavy!  
I decided that while he went out to shovel I would take Aria out for a little bit.  She has never played in the snow before and I've really been wanting to let her but since we don't have snowpants for her I've never wanted to let her go out.  We still don't have snowpants for her because I have tried finding a cheap pair and can't find any!  I don't want to spend much on a pair when she won't even be able to wear them much and next year she won't fit.  Maybe I'll get a pair when they go on clearance for her to have for next year!

Anyhow, I decided she didn't need snow pants.  I could just put a few layers on her and then the heavy winter coat that has been sitting in her room (aka, our storage room for the time being).  My cousin had given it to me but it's too bulky for her to really wear because winter coats and carseats don't go together! We have mittens for her and a hat of course (Although, she won't wear her own she has to wear daddys!)

I put three layers on her bottom.. a pair of leggings, tucked into her boots.  A pair of sweatpants and then a pair of jeans over top of the other two layers.  I put a thick long sleeve shirt on her and then her big heavy winter coat and out we went to play in the snow.

I wasn't sure how she was going to like it.  At first she just stood there.  The neighbor was out with his snowblower and she was obssesed!  She kept staring, pointing and saying "wow" and "what's that?"  so cute!

Eventually she started walking around and touching the snow, even trying to eat it a few times.


When her little nose started to get red I decided it was time to come in but girlfriend wasn't having it and cried.

I of course took picture to document this first time experience.

 "What's that"  & "Wow" over the snow blower.
 tasting the snow.
 playing & watching the neighbor
 watching the neighbor.
 her first snowball, haha.
look at that smile!  she loved it!

I only wish we had a sled that I could have pulled her around on but I guess that'll be an experience for next year!

Playing outside with her just made me so much more excited for spring and summer!  She is going to be an absolute blast this year!  She is at such a fun age.  She will love going to the park and just playing outside!  

Monday, February 3, 2014

Chicken Tacos

Last night we tried something new for dinner and it was delicious.  I think it's a new favorite in this house and it was SO EASY to make!

I'm not much of a cook, thats for sure.  And I'm a really picky eater.  My favorite meat is chicken so when we try new meals it usually is something to do with chicken.  I'm also in love with making crockpot meals so a lot of the new meals we try are made in the crockpot and almost always something we love.

These chicken tacos were so good that we just had them last night and I already can't wait to have them again!!

I wish I would have taken pictures to share, but I didn't.

I'm sharing this recipe for any one who may read this and has never tried these.

Chicken (place in crockpot)

2c chicken broth
1 packet taco seasoning (we use oretega)
1 packet dry ranch dressing
mix these three ingredients together and pour into crockpot over chicken.

soft taco shells
whatever taco toppings you enjoy.
we used taco cheese and sour cream.

Cook on slow for about 3 hours then rip the chicken up and make your taco!

Chicken Tacos were approved by both the babe and fiance!

Wedding Inspiration

In this day and age brides are SO LUCKY!  Why?  Because we have Pinterest, of course!

I thought it would be fun to share some of my wedding inspiration in a post, so that is exactly what I'm doing!

I'll start by saying that the colors of our wedding are going to be coral & navy blue with pearls tied into it all.


 I love how the pearls are tied into this bouquet.  I definitely want to do the same with ours.
 In this bouquet I like how there are two more little flowers in the center of the main flower.  I'm not sure if we'll do this or not but it's a possibility.  And then of course the center would be a pearl rather than a rhinestone.
I like this idea for my bouquet.  I'm thinking I could possibly add some paper flowers in with it but also may just look fine having me with a bouquet like this and my girls with the paper flower bouquets.  Pearls will somehow be added into the bouquets that my girls carry as well.


 This is for sure going to be one of our centerpieces.  I love everything about it.  The vases will probably be a bit different but I love the sugar & the pearls.
A second possibility is this.  I'm not sure how much I want to incorporate flowers in the whole thing or even how many flowers we are going to want to make since the ONLY flowers will be paper flowers.  However, I think a bouquet of paper flowers in a vase filled with pearls could be really pretty.
Last thing I'm thinking is something similar to those candle jars.  

I'm thinking the flower vase will be in the center of each table with the other two alternating on each side.  However to keep costs down I may not go with all three of these.

For the doorways & maybe at each end of the wedding party table (& if there is anywhere else I can add them in) I really like these.  I'd add white lights to them, hang pearls off of the branches & also try and add pearls at the bottom because I'm not loving the moss.

Bowtie & Suspenders for my little ring bearer?  I think so. 

 A tutu dress for my flower girl (my daughter, Aria).  I'm thinking the leotard part will be coral, the tutu part will be white and long since it's a March wedding.  Then we'll add a navy bow at the waist.  She will also be wearing a chunky bead necklace & bracelet that looks like pearls.

This is the look I want for the guys.  I love that it's not as formal as black tuxes.  I also really like just the vests with no jacket.

I want my girls to be in alternating colors-- navy blue, coral, navy blue, coral.  I will probably let my maid of honor decide what color she is in and then it'll go from there.


 I love this stand and think it would be super easy to make.
 Then for the actual cake, I don't want fondant but I definitely want to incorporate pearls so I'm thinking this or edible pearls like on the one below.

Then for the topper we will get a letter "S" with pearls like this one!


 A wooden "S" for our guest book so that we can hang it and see it all the time rather than store a stupid book away to never look at again.  Obvs it won't be gold.

Instead of gold glitter, I'm going to do blue.  This will be my something blue!

So there it is.  My wedding inspiration.  Obviously there is SO much more to wedding planning but these are the basic ideas I have and we will go from there!  I am so excited.  

I know this was a lengthy post but I hope it was enjoyable!  I just love talking wedding so this was so much fun!

Until next time!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

HELLO 2014

WHAT!  IT'S 2014!

Another year has arrived!!  For some reason I'm feeling super excited for this year.  I mean, it just started and all so maybe it's some sort of new year high but I honestly don't remember feeling like this in any year previous.

I had an amazing New Year's Eve!  I spent it at my aunts with my family!  Cousins and their SOs, aunt and uncle, brother and of course my amazing fiance and beautiful daughter!  It was honestly so much fun!  I didn't get drunk or even drink, really.  (I mean I had a TINY TINY TINY amount of Boones Farm... like seriously so tiny.)  I think half the time I seemed more drunk than everyone else there!  HA!  Somehow I ripped my pants and honestly have no idea when or how!  I fell and thought I broke my foot and I couldn't talk half the time!  But thats kind of just who I am I guess!  We played lots of different games and it was just seriously amazing and it made me feel amazing to just be having such a great time with people who I love!

With the New Year, Resolutions come for many.  I'm not real big on the whole resolution thing because like many others I have a hard time sticking to them.  However, there are some things I want in this new year.  So I guess I have resolutions and whether or not I stick to them is a whole different story.

Number One
The main thing I want for 2014 is to be more positive and surround myself with positivity.  With that will bring happiness and ya know what?  The world is a much better place when there is happiness!
I'm not saying that everyday will be a bowl full of sunshine.  I mean, lets be real!  There are going to be days that are tough.  There are going to be days where maybe I'm just feeling a little down.  There are going to be days where I'm going to be negative.  It's inevitable.  I'm not saying I want to be the happiest person on the planet.  I just want to be a better me.  A happier, more positive me.  I want to not let others affect me as much.  Instead, I want to affect others!  ;)

Number Two
Another, pretty major, thing I want to accomplish this year is a 5K.  Come Spring I want to start the C25K program and by the end of the year I want to have run a 5K. Not only is this a resolution but it's also something on my BUCKET LIST!  This past year The Color Run was in a city near me and I would have loved to have done it.  This year, I will!  It may not end up being The Color Run but I will run a 5K, I hope!

Number Three
With Number Two being said...  I want to be more healthy and get into better shape this year!  Yeah, I have a certain weight I'd like to reach but thats not really what I want.  It's not really my "resolution".  I just want to be a healthier more.  A healthier and happier me.
I've been looking into doing the whole Gluten Free thing.  I won't call it a diet because I hate that word.  I'm not going to starve myself or anything but going gluten free is something I'm really interested in.  In the past I've looked into it a bit and I've looked into it even more now and I definitely think it's do-able.  I mean, many others have changed their lives but I just thought for the area I live in and for me it just would be too hard.  After more research, I don't think thats necessarily true.  It will be harder than just going out and buying whatever the hell I want.  Eating whatever the hell I want.  It will also be better for me!  I'm not going to dive head first into it.  I want to do it gradually and in my own pace.  I feel like if I jump too fast and too hard that its something I will give up on in no time at all!  I'm not going to beat myself up if I slip here and there and maybe by the end of the year I won't be completely gluten free but I may be well on my way and hopefully I'll be healthier!

Number Four
This one is a bit different.  I want to grow my hair out.  Go a whole entire year without getting it cut.  I mean, other than a trim here and there.  This may be difficult because I have really had the urge to cut it all off lately!  However, with this being said, a wedding is in the planning!  March 14, 2015 is the date picked and now we just need to plan plan plan!  Yep.  That's sort of another one of my goals for this year!  Kind of odd, I'm sure, but whatever.  So grow my hair out so that I can have pretty hair on my wedding day!

Number Five
Lastly, I cannot wait to see where my photography goes in this next year.  Towards the end of 2013, I believe it was around August, I decided to dive in and take a chance and honestly, I didn't do too bad.  This year I need to get my name out there more and hopefully this year will be even more great than the last when it comes to my photography!  I hope to meet many more people, have more opportunities and continue to learn!

I hope everyone else is as excited for 2014 as I am.  2013 wasn't a bad year at all but I really just cannot wait to see what happens with 2014.

until next time!  xoxo-


It's a new year and I have decided that I'm going to try and blog.  Maybe I'll try to blog everyday in the month of January.  However, I have a 15 month old so that may not be realistic!  I think I should set a more realistic goal.  I'll try to post a new blog twice a week!  I think that sounds fair.

Today's post is going to be ALL ABOUT ME!

It's 2014 now so with that I'll post 14 facts about myself!  Sound good?  Great!

1.  My name is Paige.  I am 23 years old and celebrate my birthday on March 28th!
2.  I have an amazing fiance.  He is my best friend.  This year we will celebrate four years of love.
3.  I mentioned it above.  I have a 15 month old daughter.  Her name is Aria and shes pretty amazing!
4.  I am a stay at home mom.  With a passion for photography.  Which I've started as a little side job.
5.  I have a YouTube channel.  Most of the time I only post one video a month and it's an update on my daughter.  I want to start posting more videos though.  You can find my channel here.
6.  I was raised by my mother and have never really had a relationship with my father.  Regardless of what many may think it has affected me.
7.  I am not a very good cook but I can make a good crockpot meal!
8.  I have always wanted to move away but now that I'm old enough to actually do it I cannot move away from my family.
9.  I've always wanted to have a lot of kids.  When I was younger 8 was the dream number.  Now a days I say 4.  I was raised a single child even though I do have siblings (only one that is a part of my life) and I hated every minute of it and still do.  I am literally JEALOUS of people with siblings.
10.  I had a miscarriage in 2008 at the age of 18.  I suffered major depression from this for years but have come to complete closure with it and even feel like I know why it happened.  Though I am no longer wounded the scars will always remain.
11.  I have terrible anxiety.  I feel like my life is ruled by this.  I wish I could overcome this terrible life destroying disease.
12.  This one I'm completely embarrassed by.  I have hyperhydrosis.  Yes.  I sweat profusely no matter what the weather is like or what I am doing.  I cannot wear cute clothing and be 100% confident because of this!
13.  Car seat safety and breastfeeding are two things I'm VERY passionate about.  I'm still nursing my 15 month old and do not see any signs of weaning in our near future!  I never thought I would be a mother who breastfed but once I decided to (way before I actually had my daughter) it was settled.
14.  Names.  I love names.  I have a list of names I love.  I have names that bug me.  And I'm part of a community where we talk about names!  What I have found is that people either love names or think you are a weirdo for loving names!  HA!

That's 14!  Interesting?  Boring?  Maybe both... but they are REAL!

Until next time!

That was a failure

Guess who said that they were going to blog a lot in January and didn't?  Yep.  Me!

Complete failure!

I shall try harder in the month of February. 

Michael and I have set a wedding date for March 14, 2015.  Our 5 year anniversary!  I've already started planning because I'm a HUGE procrastinator and need more time than most people to plan things.  Also I feel with more time we will be able to save up and afford it a lot easier.

It's not going to be a big extravagant wedding.  It's not going to cost a fortune.  Theres not going to be 200 people there.  It's going to be simple because thats the type of person I am.  Really, its the kind of couple that we are! 

I am SO excited.  I've already attended a bridal show last weekend with my mom and my best friend/maid of honor, Aly.  I'm so excited to go dress shopping although it will be a few more months before we do that.  My mom wants to wait until May because she's going to try and train for and run a 5k in April.

So theres a quick update.  I hope to post a lot more about the wedding planning and everything.  I also would love to do some videos on our wedding planning process so if you'd like to see those feel free to subscribe to my youtube channel

Until next time- xoxo