Saturday, February 1, 2014

HELLO 2014

WHAT!  IT'S 2014!

Another year has arrived!!  For some reason I'm feeling super excited for this year.  I mean, it just started and all so maybe it's some sort of new year high but I honestly don't remember feeling like this in any year previous.

I had an amazing New Year's Eve!  I spent it at my aunts with my family!  Cousins and their SOs, aunt and uncle, brother and of course my amazing fiance and beautiful daughter!  It was honestly so much fun!  I didn't get drunk or even drink, really.  (I mean I had a TINY TINY TINY amount of Boones Farm... like seriously so tiny.)  I think half the time I seemed more drunk than everyone else there!  HA!  Somehow I ripped my pants and honestly have no idea when or how!  I fell and thought I broke my foot and I couldn't talk half the time!  But thats kind of just who I am I guess!  We played lots of different games and it was just seriously amazing and it made me feel amazing to just be having such a great time with people who I love!

With the New Year, Resolutions come for many.  I'm not real big on the whole resolution thing because like many others I have a hard time sticking to them.  However, there are some things I want in this new year.  So I guess I have resolutions and whether or not I stick to them is a whole different story.

Number One
The main thing I want for 2014 is to be more positive and surround myself with positivity.  With that will bring happiness and ya know what?  The world is a much better place when there is happiness!
I'm not saying that everyday will be a bowl full of sunshine.  I mean, lets be real!  There are going to be days that are tough.  There are going to be days where maybe I'm just feeling a little down.  There are going to be days where I'm going to be negative.  It's inevitable.  I'm not saying I want to be the happiest person on the planet.  I just want to be a better me.  A happier, more positive me.  I want to not let others affect me as much.  Instead, I want to affect others!  ;)

Number Two
Another, pretty major, thing I want to accomplish this year is a 5K.  Come Spring I want to start the C25K program and by the end of the year I want to have run a 5K. Not only is this a resolution but it's also something on my BUCKET LIST!  This past year The Color Run was in a city near me and I would have loved to have done it.  This year, I will!  It may not end up being The Color Run but I will run a 5K, I hope!

Number Three
With Number Two being said...  I want to be more healthy and get into better shape this year!  Yeah, I have a certain weight I'd like to reach but thats not really what I want.  It's not really my "resolution".  I just want to be a healthier more.  A healthier and happier me.
I've been looking into doing the whole Gluten Free thing.  I won't call it a diet because I hate that word.  I'm not going to starve myself or anything but going gluten free is something I'm really interested in.  In the past I've looked into it a bit and I've looked into it even more now and I definitely think it's do-able.  I mean, many others have changed their lives but I just thought for the area I live in and for me it just would be too hard.  After more research, I don't think thats necessarily true.  It will be harder than just going out and buying whatever the hell I want.  Eating whatever the hell I want.  It will also be better for me!  I'm not going to dive head first into it.  I want to do it gradually and in my own pace.  I feel like if I jump too fast and too hard that its something I will give up on in no time at all!  I'm not going to beat myself up if I slip here and there and maybe by the end of the year I won't be completely gluten free but I may be well on my way and hopefully I'll be healthier!

Number Four
This one is a bit different.  I want to grow my hair out.  Go a whole entire year without getting it cut.  I mean, other than a trim here and there.  This may be difficult because I have really had the urge to cut it all off lately!  However, with this being said, a wedding is in the planning!  March 14, 2015 is the date picked and now we just need to plan plan plan!  Yep.  That's sort of another one of my goals for this year!  Kind of odd, I'm sure, but whatever.  So grow my hair out so that I can have pretty hair on my wedding day!

Number Five
Lastly, I cannot wait to see where my photography goes in this next year.  Towards the end of 2013, I believe it was around August, I decided to dive in and take a chance and honestly, I didn't do too bad.  This year I need to get my name out there more and hopefully this year will be even more great than the last when it comes to my photography!  I hope to meet many more people, have more opportunities and continue to learn!

I hope everyone else is as excited for 2014 as I am.  2013 wasn't a bad year at all but I really just cannot wait to see what happens with 2014.

until next time!  xoxo-

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