Thursday, February 13, 2014


Okay, I haven't read a book since before my daughter was born in September 2012. Pathetic, I know.  I always thought reading a book with her would be hard.  Not sure why since I still am able to get on the computer (not all the time, but every couple of days) and still have plenty of time to be on my phone.  However, since she is on a better schedule now I have LOTS of time to read.  She naps for two hours in the afternoon (3-5, usually) and then goes to bed around 11 and yeah, sometimes I fall asleep when she does but a good book makes me stay awake with anticipation of reading it once I get her to sleep!

I went to see Catching Fire with my friends a few months ago and saw the trailer for the movie DIVERGENT, coming in March.  I thought it looked really good and my friend said the book was awesome so of course I came home that night and told Mike that I wanted the book for Christmas.  He got it for me but it has taken this long for me to pick it up and start reading it.  Not really sure why it's taken so long.  I've been wanting to read it since I got it and kept saying how I was going to start it today and just never did.

Tuesday I picked it up during her nap and started reading it.  I was hooked instantly!  I read it throughout her nap (besides when I worked out and when my mom stopped by) and then when she went to bed that night I was so tired but I ended up staying awake until about 2am reading it.  I was falling asleep by then and when Mike got home from work I decided it was time for bed.  Then yesterday I continued reading it during her nap, after my workout.  I fell asleep with her when putting her to bed last night and so this morning I picked it up and read a few chapters while Mike was home.  During her crap nap, I read some more and finished the book.

I loved it.  I can't wait to read the next book.  I told Mike to remember that I wanted it when he is out buying me a gift ;)  Hopefully that was a good enough hint and I'll get it tomorrow for Valentines day!

I can't believe I have to wait until March 21st for the movie to come out.  And even then my local theater may not get it right away.  I guess that can be a birthday present for me if they do get it.  I'm excited for Mike to see it with me.  I'm sure he is going to like it but there is no way he would read the book.  I've been telling him how good it is and how much I love it.

So yeah, super good book.  I'm passing it on to my mom to read and then probably to my aunt who had made a comment that she wanted to read it when I was done with it.  If you haven't read it then you should!

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